# Sensor Cards Three sensor cards are available. Users are welcome and encouraged to design addition sensor cards. All sensor cards are dc/ac capable with 16-bit ADC. | Metric | [Current](./current/index.md) | [High Voltage](./high-voltage/index.md) | [Low Voltage](./low-voltage/index.md) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Image | ![](current/images/amds_current_card.png) | ![](high-voltage/images/amds_hv_card.png) | ![](low-voltage/images/amds_lv_card.png) | | Sensor Device | LEM LA 55-P | LEM LV 25-P | TI INA143UA | | Range (peak) | $\pm$70 A | 10-500 V | $\pm$10 V | | Accuracy (\%) | $\pm$0.65 | $\pm$0.8 | $\pm$0.05 | | Nonlinearity (\%) | $<$0.15 | $<$0.2 | $<$0.001 | | Bandwidth (kHz) | 200 | 25 | 150 | ```{toctree} :hidden: high-voltage/index low-voltage/index current/index ```