# μInverter The μInverter (micro-inverter) board is an accessory for the AMDC. The purpose of this board is to serve as a low-cost, micro-level prototype board to demonstrate three-phase current regulation using the AMDC. It uses a 12V DC supply to drive a three phase RL load circuit to emulate a motor.
```{image} images/uInverter3D.jpg :width: 500px :class: align-left ```
## Features - Three phase AC current and DC bus voltage sensing feedback to AMDC. - Test points to measure voltages at various locations in the supply as well as load circuits. - BNC connector to directly measure the current waveforms on an oscilloscope conveniently. ## Specifications | Metric | Symbol | Value | | --- | --- | --- | | Switching Device | | IXYS IXDN614YI | | Current Sensing | | Shunt + TI INA143 | | DC Capacitance | $C_\text{dc}$ | 1000 μF | | DC Voltage | $V_\text{dc}$ | 5 to 35 V | | Phase Current(rms) | $I_\text{ph}$ | 0 to 4 A | | Switching Frequency | $F_\text{sw}$ | 0 to 1 MHz | | Effective Load Parameters | $R$, $L$ | 650 mΩ, 120 μH | - The phase current and switching frequency are limited by the switching device thermal dissipation. - The resistance $R$ is given at $V_\text{dc} = 12~\text{V}$. ```{toctree} :hidden: Hardware Design Connections RL Estimation ```